Here we are in the second week of December!

I 100% believe that health and happiness go hand in hand.  For those of you who know me, you know that I will always tell it like it is. These “habits”  are the foundation for your long term success.  They are definitely not “quick fixes” that promise to help you lose the last 5 lbs in 5 days. But if you work these habits into your daily life I assure you, you will be rewarded.

Remember when you were in grade school you learned that your body is composed of 60% water?  This week’s challenge is here to remind you just how important your water intake is!  Do YOU drink enough water?

Here is DARE #3:

For the next 7 days, I DARE you to drink 8 glasses of water each day! If your water intake is up there already, well, CONGRATS!!!!

How Can I Be Successful At This?

I highly recommend drinking 1-2 glasses first thing in the morning.  Also drink a glass prior to each meal and two hours before you fall asleep (so you’re not running to the bathroom all night).
It’s a great idea to buy yourself a water bottle that you really like and keep it with you at all times.
Another easy “drink more tip” I find helpful is drinking out of a straw… I always drink way more this way.

Click HERE to download a chart to track your water intake for the next week!

What Else, You Ask?  

Seeing as it is getting chilly here in Boston, I highly recommend investing in some yummy tea this winter.  White tea, green tea, rooibos … there are so many amazing teas to keep you warm and help you up your water intake.  Unfortunately coffee does not equal water 🙂

Why Is Water So Critical To Your Health?

If your water intake is one of your problem areas, take the time to find out which of these suggestions works for you.  This habit is one of the KEYS to your long term success!

  • Mood: A lot of people are dehydrated and they don’t even know it.  Dehydration can be blamed for a lot of day-to-day complaints. Whether you feel tired, your joints ache, you have frequent headaches or simply feel like a moody bitch… it might just be that you need to drink some more water.
  • Weight: Thirst is commonly mistaken for hunger, so keeping your water intake up can help you steer clear of the holiday weight gain this year.
  • Performance: If you are looking to get stronger you better believe that your muscles need to be hydrated in order to perform optimally!
  • Vanity: For all my vain folks out there, increased water intake can mean nicer skin.

One last little tip:
Start paying attention to the color of your pee!  It should be a clear yellow and not any darker.  If 8 glasses is a massive jump from your current intake you will definitely be heading to the bathroom more, but your body will adjust, I promise!

Community Fun: In order to make check-ins easier and to form a community through the holiday season, I have started a private Facebook group.  You can access it here and I can add you!  Otherwise, shoot me an email or post a picture to Instagram @staceyschaeder using the hashtag #progressnotperfection.


XO Stacey