One of the most common issues I must address when strength training with female clientele is hypermobility.   As women, we are often hypermobile in one or more areas, and in order to safely and effectively learn to strength train, there are certain positions and cues to be aware of. 

As you can see, I have first hand experience with hypermobility 🙂
As females it is critical that we develop stability and strength in order to balance out our body’s natural tendencies.  We may gravitate to yoga because we’re good at it, but we need to augment that flexibility with strength training.  
This is ESPECIALLY important to be aware of during Smart Strength because while I can guide you, you must analyze and be aware of what’s going on in your body, in order to avoid injury.  The program is SAFE FOR ALL, but it’s my job to be sure you are equipped to counteract the ranges of motion your body tends to go toward, and remain pain-free for the duration of the program 🙂
First, what is hypermobility?
Hypermobility is a condition in which joints easily move beyond the normal range of motion expected at a particular joint.  Here’s a quick example of me demonstrating what some common examples look like:

This condition tends to be inherited and there is no “cure” for it.  Smart Strength will help you build up muscular support of the joint, but as we do that, we want to ensure you stay healthy and pain-free. Smart Strength places an emphasis on stabilizing the hips and shoulders.
Here are some easy, simple cues you can use to combat anything you might naturally be predisposed to:
Soft elbows – focus on a slight bend when completing push-ups, presses, and rows in order to establish more shoulder stability.  Elbows should not be rotated out and forward.

Ribs down – think ribs OVER hips as proper alignment

Pack your shoulder – think about tucking your shoulder down and back (feel yourself creating tension in the upper/mid back).  Or feel your shoulder blade lie flat on the floor keeping shoulder away from ear.

Turkish Get Up Variations are awesome for this very reason. You become successful at maintaining shoulder packing as the shoulder moves through different positions.
Soft knees – slightly bent knees, finishing with the hips, and not by locking out knees

Straight wrist – Think about making a fist around the kettlebell or dumbbell handles — grip that shit hard.

The bottom line with hypermobility:
When teaching women to strength train, it’s crucial to acknowledge and combat joint laxity . This ensures a long, active lifestyle with all the benefits of strength training and none of the issues that hypermobility can cause to the joints in later years.
The best part?
Simple exercise modifications and the right cues is all it takes.  
Remember, just because you CAN go to crazy ranges of motion doesn’t mean you SHOULD!
Smart Strength is about more than just lifting weights, though that’s what most people zoom in on. It’s about gaining awareness of your body — what it needs and wants to perform at its best!

Smart Strength launches January 15th!!!!