In the fitness world, exercise + nutrition are a given.  On the other hand, attention to breath, recovery style movement, and sleep are highly underrated… this is a huge mistake.  Without these often overlooked components, you will not succeed in the long run.


For the next 7 days I DARE YOU TO GET 7-8 hours of SLEEP each night.  Try to be in bed by 10pm at the latest, and wake up by 6am.  Adjust accordingly!

*If you have a new baby or your parental duties extend late into the night… aim for an extra 30 minutes of sleep until you reach the 7-8 hr. mark.

If you are already getting adequate sleep…CONGRATS!
The next step for those of you getting optimal sleep is to maintain that schedule each and every day of the week, with the ideal being getting to sleep and rising at the same times regardless of the day.
Consistency is key yet again!

How Can I Get This Done?
Adopt a new nighttime ritual to get you in the mood to sleep faster.  Perhaps it’s a hot bath, a restorative yoga sequence, unwinding with a book, mediation, or just taking time to catch up with your partner.
Also, just observe!  Bring awareness to how you feel after that good night’s sleep… awareness is paramount.

Why Should I Care?
Sleep has been a HUGE priority for me over the last 3 years.  So much so that when I am running low on sleep I crave carbs+ sugar, I’m irritable, and I pretty much feel hung over.  Oh, and I look like shit too.

The thing is, your bedroom is basically meant for sex and sleeping, NOT televisions, not iPads, not computers or cell phones.  Nowadays we bring all of our technology to bed – the glow of these devices can really disrupt our sleep!

Sleeping 7-8 hours will make your fat loss goals more attainable, give your strength goals an extra edge, and will greatly aid in your recovery.

Undeniably everyone is different.  Some individuals thrive with just 6 hours of sleep. Find out where your happy ground is and stick to it!

Now, I am not into scare tactics but here’s a powerful article on the sleep topic that is much more scientific and research-based then my own observations.  If you are still skeptical on the impact sleep has on your health, I highly recommend you give it a read!

Sleep tight!

XO Stacey