As you know, each Tuesday I post an exercise tutorial.  The past two months have been spent reviewing proper kettlebell techniques.
For the month of June I will be teaching the basics for beginners!  There are TONS of intense strength/ conditioning routines on the market for mainstream purchase. The problem is many everyday folks CAN’T perform the basics properly. They end up performing high repetitions through limited ranges of motion and they either give up because they don’t see the results they want or they get hurt. As a direct result of my age 50+ clientele I have been working on an e-book that will help to lessen this problem. Here is an example of some BEGINNER SQUAT variations! Please share if you know someone this could help.

I wanted to take some time to wish my client Amanda the best of EVERYTHING as she moves to California for the summer! She will be attending Kellogg in the Fall :))) This woman has done amazing things these past few years and I am excited to see all the wonderful things life has in store for her!

Favorite Fitness Reads: (LOTS OF GREAT INFO THIS WEEK)

Does Lifting Heavy Weights Make You Bulky?-Molly Galbraith
How to Lift Forever (The Best Exercises for Long Term Pain-Free Gains) – John Rusin
Coaching Tricks For Hypermobile Chicks ( and guys too) -Joy Victoria
The Dumbest Myth In Nutrition– Eric Bach
Clean Up Those Cranky Shoulders– Mike Perry
Are You Getting Your Steps In?-Stacey Schaedler
How To Make Fat Loss Easy -Elizabeth Benton
Rotation Helps Improve SI Joint Pain: Even A Doctor Says So– Erika Mundinger
The Ultimate Guide on How to Not Care About What Other People Think of You and Live the Life You Want – Nia Shanks
How to Build the Perfect Workout – Dan Blewett
Pull-Ups During Pregnancy -Amanda Perry
xoxo- Stacey